As the eldest son of the family, he continued of what his father started on farming. An engineer who turned his wills on farming, faced different challenges in rice farming since he doesn’t have enough knowledge to make it more productive. He never stop learning and collected agricultural magazines and other articles related on farming. Application of what he learned from those helped him most.
Putting zinc phosphate on the soil to neutralize acidity and lessen the yellowing of leaves was his first action. He was dependent on synthetic fertilizers throughout the cropping season, and realized the higher cost of farm inputs but equal percentage of production.
Being curious, Vic don’t stop doing research. He encountered EM in a magazine for many times. As he visited to Harbest Office he got some protocols and was encouraged to try EM for rice. He believes “prevention is better than cure” therefore he apply organic fertilizers and add more beneficial microbes to improve soil condition.
Vic has been using EM for rice for 5years. At first He extended EM-1 by dissolving 1 liter molasses to 28 liters of non-chlorinated water. He add 1 liter EM-1 and mix it well. He fermented it for 7 days before using it.
He used EMAS during land preparation to condition the soil before transplanting. He diluted 2-3 liters of EMAS per 100liter of water and spray the flooded field. He observed the fast decomposition of rice straws and other plant debris. EM also improves soil nutrients. As if nutrients hidden in the soil was unlocked. That is why he do not apply synthetic fertilizer for his basal. For Vic, EM is multipurpose.
There were improvement in terms of production. Rice grain was full and heavy. He harvest 100-115 sacks per hectare compare to his neighbors who harvest 60-75 sacks of rice per hectare. Using EMAS gives him additional savings. He reduced his synthetic fertilizer application up to 15% and yet the rice tillers are still healthy and green. He also started making his own vermitea with EMAS to further reduce his application of synthetic fertilizers. He apply it not just on rice field but also to his vegetable garden.